Monday, September 30, 2013


so hyde park high school goes back tomorrow, from a weeks holiday. we have basically 2 weeks then off on study leave probably. i was thinking this year has gone by so fast, i was shocked when i found out valedictory is next week thursday.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Matric carnival

On Thursday the 19th of August, Hyde park high held their annual matric carnival, where matrics get into groups and set up a stall and sell goods or services to raise money to buy the school a parting present from the matrics. The matrics sell foods and sweets, some wash cars and others hold activities.
We hold it during the assembly and at break.
It was fun and we all made a profit.

Friday, September 6, 2013


so prelims are up today, back to school on Monday for two weeks then on study break again.  matrics, this is only an introduction to finals. there's only a few more weeks, with the matric carnival and everything but the finals aren't that far away.